Our assessor is highly qualified with a Master’s Degree in SpLD (Dyslexia), British Dyslexia Association AMBDA and Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) as well as full membership of Patoss and the Dyslexia Guild.

An assessment can diagnose dyslexia

What is a dyslexia assessment?

An assessment can confirm dyslexia and it involves the student or adult completing a number of tasks with an assessor. The results are combined with detailed background information into a lengthy report.

Unlike a dyslexia screening (which is quick and often completed online or by schools for students), a full assessment is able to diagnose dyslexia, will last the lifetime of the individual and provides many recommendations which are used by schools and employers.

What does the assessment involve?

We pride ourselves in the highly-personalised approach to assessments:

First, you will meet with the assessor to fully understand the process and she will gather detailed background information.

The assessment tasks themselves typically take up to four hours and are conducted over more than one session either in school (which lessens anxiety for the student), workplace or at our premises.

The assessor then analyses the information to compile the diagnostic report.

She will then meet with you again to run through the outcome before spending time discussing the recommendations and suggesting resources.

What are the benefits of an assessment?

Importantly, our assessment reports highlight the many strengths of the individual and how he/she can use these to help support areas that may be more challenging. The reports provide a number of pages of practical recommendations and strategies.

Our aim is always to empower the individuals we work with and encourage them to embrace their dyslexic superpower!

Get in touch for a friendly chat to discuss assessments

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